Advent 2020 | Day 03


Since my youth, God, you have taught me, and to this day I declare your marvelous deeds.

Psalm 62:1-2


What did God teach you when you were a youth? Not when you were a baby. But when you were a youth.

I am guessing here that the Psalmist is referring to the lessons he learned at the age that he remembers learning. Or at least as far as he can remember. What are those lessons?

For David, when he was a youth he learned how to protect his sheep from lions and bears. And those lessons prepared him for the biggest battle of his life. David also learned the lessons that a younger child learns. He was the baby after all. The Bible tells us that David was often overlooked. He was the weakling. But maybe as the weakest in strength, he actually saw God’s hand more than the ones who depended on their own strength.

Truth is that God has been speaking and teaching us throughout our entire lives. We may not understand the lessons while we are going through it but looking back we can see God’s hand in it all.God has been teaching us not only in the church, but also in every area of our life. As a parent and (future parents) we have to be careful. Because our children will learn more from their parents than they will from the church. What are we teaching them? Whatever it is that we are teaching them I hope that they can praise God for the parents they have.

I was asking Charity today to reflect on what she learned as a child. She talked about the hard work that was instilled in her from her grandmother. She talked about the tough lessons she learned at age 18 that was the darkest times of her life. Those lessons taught her enough to move away and seek a different life for herself. She talked about how her grandmother also taught her about the importance of family. There’s lessons in every stage of our life. Lessons that we learn in the darkness that God uses for good. And there’s good lessons we learn that make us even better.

Take some time today and reflect on the lessons you learned as a child if you had a great childhood. Then take some more time to reflect on the lessons that he taught you during the darkest parts of your life. And thank God for it all.

Personally, among many lessons I am thankful for, I’m glad I grew up in Miami. It taught me about culture, languages, passion, and hustle. I’m also thankful for the lessons I learned being raised by a single mom. It makes me want to be the best dad I can be and the best husband I can be. I praise God for the lessons of my youth for better for worse.

They made me the man I am today.