One Word

One Word

It wasn’t until a couple of years ago that Charity and I started choosing one word that will define our year. We got the idea from Elevation church. We did one word for ourselves, one word as a couple, and I did one word for Wesley. Here are some of our past words.

Personal-MaBest aka My Best, Stealth
Couple-Sacrifice (we only did it one year)

This year my word is “Clarity.” But this year I’m taking it to a whole other level and I want to invite you on my journey. This is what I am doing and how I found my word.

The word “Clarity” popped every time someone used it. It felt like every time they would use it the Lord told me to pay attention. Just imagine hearing a ding sound every time I heard the word “clarity.” So that’s how I chose my word.

It’s been coming up more and more and it’s got a special ring to it now that I’m looking for it attentively. So I’m going to say it’s the Lord.

Now the new levels that I am taking this, is that I am going to search the scriptures for the word clarity and see if it comes up. Then I’ll do a word study and write a sermon on it. Then, I’ll pray about it daily and at the end of the year reflect on what I learned about the word clarity. I’ve already learned that maybe I’ll never have clarity in my life and that’s ok. I’ll see what the year has to teach me. Last, I am going to continue to pay attention to when I hear the word clarity in conversation, TV, music or anything else. Then see how God is speaking to me through those situations. That’s it.

Hopefully 2021 will bring a lot of clarity in my life, Wesley, and other areas that are a little fuzzy. Before I go. I want to also encourage you, if you have not already, to set some (flexible, gracious, and wise) goals using the FRESH acronym I came up with at Wesley in 2019. Because I believe that Christianity is holistic I came up with an acronym that I believe encompasses all of our needs. I then set goals in each section to make sure that I was living a balanced, healthy life. So….set some goals that will improve your

F-Finances, that includes your vocation, job, school….
R-Relationships that includes your family, romantic, and friendship
E-Emotional that includes Counseling, Psychological help, medication…etc
S-Spiritual (which is the most important) which includes Scripture Reading, Worship, Church Attendance…etc
H-Health which includes Physical Health and NutritionCheers to 2021!What’s your one word and why?